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Global termination of telephone traffic

COMPASS Inc., the global network for voice on the IPL and Internet, provides carrier-quality call completion services over the IPL and Internet to and from COMPASS Inc. Points of Presence (PoPs) worldwide.

COMPASS Inc. offers wholesale competitively priced termination of international telephone traffic. We provide flexible international traffic termination services to telecommunication carriers, including public telecommunications companies, new operators, global alliances and regional telephone companies.

For many small and medium-size telephone companies outside of North America there exists a problem to find a reliable international provider to terminate their calls world-wide. Big players on this market are not willing to serve small clients overseas. Compass, Inc. which has fixed connections to many major carriers in North America, positions itself as a partner for such customers. We provide global termination to many local companies in different countries with attractive rates and excellent quality. We offer flexible rate plans dependent on traffic volumes and destinations. Our potential customers need to get broadband Internet connection and to install VoIP equipment (CISCO, Vocaltec). This is enough for setting VoIP interconnection and starting traffic exchange. Additional benefit for our customers could be a possibility to terminate Compass's traffic, which goes to their region, thus offsetting the cost of global termination.

On-Net traffic termination for international carriers

Compass, Inc. operates on its own or in cooperation with other providers a network of VoIP gateways throughout the world. These gateways are located mostly in difficult-to-reach countries or regions and provide local termination of international calls. Compass, Inc. offers this service to any international carrier, which is interested in reliable and inexpensive completion of its traffic to the Compass's On-Net destinations.

This network is the most valuable asset of the company and our team works hard to support and expand it.

Currently we offer our On-Net termination to the following countries:

Bosnia Bulgaria China
Czech Republic Estonia Georgia
Ghana Iran Israel
Kazachstan Kyrgystan Latvia
Lithuania Moldavia Nepal
Poland Romania Russia
Slovakia Turkey Ukraine
Uzbekistan Venezuela Vietnam

Partnerships and Agents Program

Expansion policy

We envision our growth mostly by extending of or VoIP network to other countries where international termination rates are still high enough to justify the investments. We do it by putting our own equipment there or partnering with local providers and companies. We bring our equipment, expertise and business connections to such partnerships, while we expect the other parties to bring the knowledge of local situation and good working connections to the government, regulatory bodies and local telecom companies.

We are open to any offers of joint ventures or other forms of cooperation on that direction.


We acknowledge that expansion of our business can be faster with assistance of people with good connections to our potential customers or partners. For that reason we introduce special Agents Program, which awards generous commissions to people or companies which bring us new customers or business partners.